How can meditation increase the chance of conception?


Calming the mind and getting rid of stress is essential in the treatment of infertility. When meditating, you forget about your fears and concerns.

A quarter of an hour for yourself

It is no news that a mental strain and stress do not contribute to a successful infertility treatment. Therefore, one of the most effective alternative methods to support conception is meditation. It is often sufficient to find a few minutes daily for yourself to calm down your mind. Practicing meditation for 10-15 minutes a day for 30 days can make your journey to a long-desired baby significantly shorter. Are you inexperienced in meditation and have no idea how to calm your mind? You can rely on videos and records, which will guide you through these techniques.

  • Relaxation made by a doula Sarka Chapman that you can play online or download to your phone. Thanks to the record, you will be able to work properly with your breath and visualisations, which help to release your inner tension. 
  • In case you speak English, immerse in meditation led by Brett from BrettLarkinYoga. You will calm down your mind and learn helpful affirmations, which you can later repeat on your own. 

An app for conception?

If you want to use your time really effectively, keep meditation recordings always at hand. You can do this thanks to useful mobile applications that will introduce you to meditation techniques. Whenever you have a free moment during the day, just put on your headphones and tune in to one of the recordings. You can find several of them on the market today. Which ones should you not miss? 

  • Mindful IVF

Preparing the mind for an IVF cycle is as important as preparing the body. During ten-minute meditation lessons, you will be in the right mood for each phase of the planned IVF treatment. 

  • The Expectful

The recordings in this application were selected by real experts from a team of psychologists and hypnotherapists. Tailor-made meditations can be found here by both women trying to conceive so as expectant mothers.

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