Fertility Foods: Eating Right helps Conception


Increasing your fertility is not just about having eggs, the newest ovulation app, or as much unprotected sex with your partner as possible. Of course, one major part of your lifestyle that contributes to your ability to conceive is DIET.

Having a generally healthy lifestyle, including a healthy balanced diet Vitamins and minerals will help keep your body’s systems incheck – including your reproductive system.

Why should couples trying to conceive follow a fertility-based diet?

Of course, the most important preparation for conception is to feel relaxed both psychologically and in your body. Hence, any diet should be personally tailored to suit you and make you feel well in this important period of your life. This is why UNICA offers tailored programs, from an hollistic approach, always adapted to your needs. Ask your coordinator for a tailored nutritional plan.


Few tips about fertility diet

Lean meats - but not too much!

Low iron levels have been shown to exacerbate infertility issues, so bolstering your iron intake with lean cuts of beef and poultry can help you conceive. However, it is important to monitor the types and amounts of protein you’re consuming. Too much animal protein and animal fats have been shown to reduce a woman’s likelihood to conceive. Aim to supplement a daily intake of two lean animal protein servings daily with a serving of non-animal protein, such as tofu, quinoa, beans, nuts, etc.)

Healthy fats

To help your body conceive, eat as if you’re already pregnant! Eat up to 12 ounces of low-mercury fish - such as light canned tuna, salmon, sardines, cod, shrimp, and trout - a week. Avoid trans and saturated fats, which can reduce your fertility, in addition to fatty cuts of meat.

Folic Acid

Folate-rich foods are strongly connected to both increased fertility in women and foetal health support. Spinach, lentils, beans, and chickpeas are all well-known sources of Folic Acid. These foods are instrumental in reducing the likelihood of birth defects, such as spina bifida and congenital heart conditions.

If you’re having trouble getting enough natural folates into your diet, get some folic acid supplements and ask your doctor what dosage you should take each day.

Fruits and Veggies

Every health magazine for men or women will tout the health benefits of eating your fruits and veggies, but did you know that these foods can dramatically improve your chances of getting pregnant? Packed with vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients (such as antioxidants), fruits and veggies can protect your fetus from neural and spinal defects. Think of Vitamin C from citrus, antioxidants from berries, and Vitamin B, iron, and folates from dark, leafy greens like spinach and kale and beans.

An easy way to choose vitamin-packed fruits and veggies? Color. Opt for brightly-colored vegetables, fruits, and berries for an easy guide while grocery shopping.

Complex Carbs

Refined carbohydrates can cause spikes in blood sugar and insulin, disrupting your reproductive hormones and even your menstrual cycle. Slow-digesting carbs instead, like sweet potatoes and whole grainsl help you maintain stable blood sugar levels and increase the likelihood of conception.

Alcohol and coffee

Obviously the usual suspects for a potential reduction during conception period have to be listed in our tip list. Moderate use of coffee and alcohol will improve the chances of conception.


Additional tips for men


Inspire more swimmers with zinc! Cell division, the key force behind sperm production, requires a healthy amount of zinc. Pumpkin and sesame seeds, garlic, dark chocolate, and the classic fertility-boosting food - oysters - all contain high levels of zinc.

Vitamin C

Both men and women should strive to raise their daily intake of Vitamin C and antioxidants. This is easily accomplished by making a habit of eating citrus and adding red and green peppers to as much of your cooking as possible. Vitamin C, in particular, prevents sperm dysfunction and improves motility.