Family HlouskoviThe Hlouškova family decided to undergo IVF treatment and chose our clinic based on their doctor's recommendation, high success rate and years of experience.Read more
Havran FamilyAfter three years of unsuccessful efforts, the Havrán family from Hungary decided to undergo IVF treatment on the recommendation of their doctor.
Mrs. Dohnalová and Mr. PalčovičMrs Dohnal and her partner have dreamed of having a baby since she was 30. The years passed, hope alternated with disappointment, and despite many attempts it still did not come.
Mrs. Coureaud and Mr. DiemunschAfter a year of trying, Mrs. Coureaud and Mr. Diemunsch from France went to the Unica clinic on the recommendation of their doctor.
Mareš FamilyThe Mareš family shares their story full of emotions, hope, and a happy ending. Watch their journey to their dream baby, which began right here at our clinic.
Boďa FamilyAfter three years of trying, the Boďa family decided to turn to our clinic for help, based on a recommendation they received.
Maja Henigman: Guiding Hope and Building Families as an IVF CoordinatorMeet Maja Henigman: Guiding Hope and Building Families through IVF Coordination.
Bjarne and Lotte's Joyful Journey to Parenthood with Unica Clinic: A Success StoryUnica helped Bjarne and Lotte achieve their dream of parenthood after 4.5 years of trying. The couple chose Unica clinic due to its holistic approach, and Dr Frgala's expertise. After a successful IVF treatment, they welcomed their daughter Annamaja.
The story of Mrs LandersheimThe story of Mrs Landersheim Trying to get pregnant is best understood by those who have experienced it themselves. That's why this story of our ambassador Sabine may give some of you the motivation and courage you need in infertility treatment.
Hungarian couples can finally make their dreams come true in the Czech RepublicIn many cases, couples struggling with infertility undergo a number of interventions before they are faced with the fact that the woman cannot get pregnant with her own eggs.
All beginnings are difficultMy husband and I met a few years ago, and now we are almost 40 years old. Of course, we wanted to fulfill our dream of having a child together, and after a year of unsuccessful attempts, we went to a fertility doctor.
Barbora: I help international couples on their journey to parenthoodI went through a very difficult personal experience a few years ago in which a situation presented itself and I couldn't help out my friends who really needed me.
Martina: By donating eggs, I helped fulfill a family’s dreamSince I was little, I’ve always been interested in the the act of giving and giving back. After becoming a nurse I decided to return to school to become a teacher.
Sofie and Casper: Thanks to Unica, our dream of parenthood became a realityGiven the fact that my husband and I were trying to conceive with no success for a long time, it was clear that we needed expert help. We had considered going for treatment in Spain or Greece and had done tons of research online.
Andrea and Premek: After seven years of trying, Unica fulfilled our dream of parenthoodMy husband and I started struggling to have a baby seven years ago. By that time, I went to regular gynecologic examinations, which showed that I had serious health problems.
Eva and Radan: Thanks to Unica, we became parents and found our happinessOur story began many years ago when my husband and I decided to get married after several years of dating. We were both already in our 30’s at the time of the wedding and definitely had plans of starting a family, albeit, not right away.
Patricia and GhislainGreat plans and hopes, but also fears and often disappointments. This is how the journey to a dreamed baby can look like.