Sexual problems in men and women
The most common problems for men are loss of sexual desire, problems with erection, and premature or retarded ejaculation. Many men suffer from these dysfunctions that can impact fertility within the couple. Male problems are mostly associated with their libido. However, it isn't the same for women, who dissociate their physical side from the mental one. On the other side, men face a greater self-confidence issue. Since most women start seeing the gynaecologist at a young age, they are usually more at ease talking to a professional about their troubles and find themselves less stressed than men do. In short, the fertility process can be a very stressful and embarrassing procedure, especially for men.
Which are the causes of men’s erection problems?
Psycho-genetic reasons - affecting about 6% of men. Organic reasons related to the environment they live in.
Having erection problems can be a first sign that something isn’t working properly, or even worse, a sign of internal diseases.
Men may face psychological barriers when having to undergo a spermiogram test. It is necessary to develop active communication within the relationship and explain to your partner that there isn’t anything to be afraid of to help him overcome these barriers.
What percentage of infertility problems is attributable to women/men?
Studies have found that about 40% of infertility problems are attributable to women only, 40% to men only, and the remaining 20% to both partners or unknown causes.
How to prevent sexual dysfunctions?
The first change you can make is in your lifestyle. Excess of alcohol, nicotine or drugs are bad for fertility, and they can accumulate. On the sexual side, the most important aspect is communicating with your partner to prevent sexual dysfunctions.
To get pregnant, when and how often should a couple have sexual intercourse?
The best time to conceive is during the woman’s ovulation, usually from the 10th or 11th day of the menstrual cycle until the 18th. According to some studies, healthy sperm cells can remain in a woman's body for up to 3 days. So it is sufficient to be intimate every other day. If the couple feels like it, they can do so every day, but it’s not mandatory. Concerning the spermiogram, men should avoid having intercourse in the 2 to 5 days before the test. The shorter the abstinence is, the fewer sperm will be gathered during the spermiogram.
What are the most common causes of not wanting to have sex in a couple?
For 99% of people, it is due to environmental causes like trauma, pharmaceuticals, hormonal problems etc. Not wanting to have sex is often caused by misunderstandings within the couple. For women, libido disorder is often selective. Most women want to have sex but not with their partner due to some real problem. In this scenario, psychological help is needed.
How can men engage in sexual activity to make a long-term relationship work?
People in a relationship need to be open to each other. If a partner hides something from the other, the relationship can fall apart. Honesty and openness are essential.
How not be shy during sex?
Shyness is a big issue for many couples. They can overcome it with the help of a specialist like a sexologist. In any case, the effort should come from both partners.
To conclude, the key elements to overcome sexual troubles causing infertility are communication within the couple and getting help from a specialist.