Spring is coming - the season of new beginnings and fertility


Spring is traditionally a symbol of new beginnings. Nature comes alive, and everything begins to grow and bloom. Trees turn green, flowers put out their first buds, and birds sing to welcome the new season. It's when nature awakens from its winter slumber and regains its life force - just like humans. It feels like spring has infused new blood into our veins!

New hope, new opportunity

Spring season is often associated with renewal and growth, which naturally accompanies fertility and reproductive health thoughts. It is no coincidence that Easter, which comes with spring, is related to eggs as a symbol of fertility and new life. 

These spring weeks are an excellent opportunity to remind yourself that there are many ways in which we can support your efforts to start a family. Just like seeds hidden in the ground waiting for the right moment to hatch, human eggs can be carefully protected and prepared for the moment you decide to become parents.

Fertility preservation

Did you know that state-of-the-art technology allows you to plan your family well in advance despite possible future changes in your reproductive health? Thanks to the latest Cryo Top technology, at Unica clinics, we can gently freeze eggs and sperm and "stop time". Your reproductive cells can remain unchanged until you are ready to take the next step.

You don't feel like having your own family yet?

Don't have a suitable partner yet or are you facing cancer treatment and want to insure your future parenthood? 

This investment in your reproductive health is always worthwhile. Whether you are just starting your journey or already looking for specific options to become parents, our clinic is here to provide you with the utmost support, experienced advice and highly specialized treatment. Do you have any questions about planned parenthood?

Don't hesitate to contact us. Together we can support your fertility not only at Easter time, but throughout the whole year.

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